The castle itself. My room was on the second (third, to americans) floor, to the left of the picture. I had the turret room and the two windows beside that. Note the strange deformities on the crenellations of the turrets. Those are chimneypots! The chimneys rise up inside the crenellations. Well, *I* felt this to be a weird design.
In the closeup, you can see the carport, and the chairs within it. This, we felt, was a good place to sit and watch the world go by. Which it then proceded not to do, at a very lesiurely pace. Very relaxing :) The two people off to the left are Al and Sue. They're getting married shortly, but appear rather unstressed by the whole thing.
Some architecture. Just nod your head and smile.
The back entrance! Very few people come this way, but it looks cool, doesn't it? You can see what made this the setting of a vampire movie :)
More back entrance.
Inside the back courtyard. This is where I'd stick a smithy :)
OK, time for a wedding photo. Al and sue leaving. They trailed balloons all over the roads of Scotland after they left. I had to keep stopping to pick them up when I followed in their tracks.
Stereogram, with zoom on the camera. Guaranteed to cause eyestrain, I'm afraid. Maybe I should shrink these down. Naah, if you're that interested, you'll do it yourself :P
A stereogram, made by taking a photo from the turret room and a photo from the window at the other end of my room. Fun! :)