These files are: u9coord.php = a script that you can plonk in a coordinate from your sextant, and it'll give you the x/y coordinates to put in your startup file, so that you will appear there when you load the game. Again, flawed, since I only did it enough to work for me. There's really no way to do that perfectly anyway. items.php-src.txt = a script I wrote to extract the item numbers and a bit of other info from the files. It generated the following files. allitems-byid.txt = a list of all items in the game. At least, those that have names. items-byid.txt, items-byname.txt = list of all gettable items in the game. Probably. My decoding of the file is very imncomplete: I did it as far as I needed to It is my belief that the text in the items*.txt files is a small enough part of the game, that they can be distributed under the "fair use" clause of the Copyright laws. The game is certainly not in any way playable by using only these files. Nontheless they remain, despite my reformatting, the copyright of Electronic Arts, née Origin Systems. If distributing them, please bear this in mind. The PHP scripts are mine, and so are released to the public domain with no warranty whatsoever. This means you and anyone else may use, distribute and charge for these scripts in any way you see fit, with no attribution required. I would love to hear if you find them useful, of course, but this is in no way required. To me, the GPL's claim to "Free"dom is a sick travesty. Only the public domain is truly free. However, I offer no warranty, and no support. Good luck with them. Do what you will, and on your own head be it.