[Nifty AAT logo]

Some people think I'm some kind of authority on the aquatic ape theory (AAT). I'm not. I'm a techie. But I happen to be the grandson of Elaine Morgan, who writes most of the stuff about the AAT, so I made this page anyway.


I update this site rarely, so "news" may be the wrong word.
April 2005
New Scientist interview for Elaine Morgan
March 2000
The Role of Water in Human Evolution by Catherine Friedl, a student of Carleton University. Published on the web at Hooper Virtual Natural History Museum.
March 2000
The Passionate Ape website by Craig "the Busy" Hagstrom will shortly be up - though not at the time of writing (Mar 20th).
July 1999
Aquatic Ape and African Eve published online by Denis Montgomery (updated)

I'm biased

I would greatly appreciate proponents of other theories writing or giving me links to descriptions of those theories. I'm way too biased. Summaries written by proponents of them, rather than myself, are marked as (unbiased) below. Some are mechanisms (such as neoteny), rather than causes (such as habitual bipedal feeding). Mechanisms don't necessarily compete with any of the theories, and can be complimentary to them.


More than some references

I'm always looking for more of these, if you know any.

Other Sites of interest:

Questions I get asked a lot:

A section is devoted to answering, as best I can, the questions people ask me the most. Eternally under construction.

Big changes maybe coming up in the next few months (decades?):

AAT isn't my theory:

(this section under construction, just like all the other ones. Anyone got anyone else they want to put forward as a founding father/mother of the AAT?):

Many thanks to:

(in no order at all)

AAT may also mean:

Click here to go back to my index.
since July 2000.

LEGALESE: Unless the author requests otherwise, I may include in these pages any email sent to me, including the name of the author. I try to remove all other personal information, unless the author says I can use it. I try not to misrepresent authors. I always either remove or modify offending articles immediately, if asked by the author, subject, or a representative.